Macomb Area Computer Enforcement (MACE) reserve
unit was established in the year 2001 to assist
the Detectives in gathering evidence online.
The unit is currently comprised of seven Reserve
Deputies that provide awareness and prevention
training. This hand picked talent and collective
knowledge base surrounding criminal
investigation, computer crime, IT, and computer
security indicates that Sheriff Wickersham and
the Macomb County Sheriff’s Office is serious
about combating all forms of cybercrime. Reserve
Officers of the M.A.C.E. unit serve on a
strictly volunteer basis at no cost to the
Serving a community population of roughly
841,000 citizens, in 2010, MACE Reserves
Deputies conducted more than 68 presentations to
schools and organizations covering everything
from Internet Safety to identity theft. Many of
those we train are officials who then utilize
the training we have provided to educate their
peers and subordinates.
MACE offers custom tailored training based on
age group including a student base beginning at
3rd grade. These presentations are absolutely
free of charge to all attendees and contain up
to date information on the latest techniques and
avenues of various crimes committed on the
internet. |